
“A school is wherever a man can learn, Mr. Shafter, do not forget that. A man can learn from these mountains and the trees, he can learn by listening, by seeing, and by hearing the talk of other men and thinking about what they say.”
~ Louie L’Amour (Bendigo Shafter)

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Rabbi Jesus

Saturday I didn’t get to sleep until about 3 a.m. Last night, I didn’t sleep all that well either. EJ didn’t feel well–he thinks his pain meds were affecting him. JJ said he hardly sleep all night. We were all very tired this morning. EJ feel asleep in his chair this morning, and as soon as school was over, JJ and I took naps too.

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Crown of Messiah

We study the Scriptures together as a family. We follow the Jewish Scripture reading schedule. Ezra (the one in the Bible) set up this reading schedule, and Jews have been following it ever since–including Jesus. For the past few years, we’ve been using the Hebrew for Christian book, A Year Through the Torah. You can buy a hard copy of the book or access it on line for free by clicking This Week’s Torah Reading in the sidebar at the left. The teaching is tremendous, and we have learned so much through it.
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Eagle, Mouse, and Ethics

All through the day today I thought about what I would write in my blog when I had the opportunity.

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Stamped in His Image

This was taken last May. The tree EJ wants to take out is the one at the right that doesn't yet have leaves.

I stayed up too late (about 2 a.m.) to help EJ set up his blog, The Outside Dawg. This is his first time setting up a blog, so everything is new to him. I think he’s going to enjoy blogging. I know I will enjoy reading what he has to say. I found out by reading his blog that he is planning to remove (kill) a unique tree by our front porch. YIKES! But I understand his wanting to put in more trees/plants that we can eat. I love the challenge of growing things to eat in our little yard. Kind of “micro-gardening.”

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What Did You Say?

The bint put fairy lights in her flat. When she was finished, she put a nappy on the baby and gave him a dummy. When the babysitter arrived, she put on her coat, bonnet, and wellingtons, and met her chum at the pub for supper, where she had fish and chips. She ordered a biscuit for dessert, but accidentally dropped it on the floor. Her chum laughed that she was all cack-handed. Her chum was a school leaver who was a Hooray Henry but could only find a job as a dog’s body.

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The Year of the Snake

When I was a child, my Mom sometimes bought canned Chop Suey, which she heated and poured over chow mein noodles. I liked the chow mein noodles, but the Chop Suey was full of unidentified “things” and it was not very tasty or appealing to me. For years and years I avoided Chinese food because of Chop Suey. When I married EJ and we went to a Chinese restaurant (he LIKED Chinese food), I ordered as American as I could–even to ordering a hamburger and fries if the restaurant had them. EJ was appalled. However, to me Chinese food = canned Chop Suey. Yuck.

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