Death (Life) By A Thousand Problems

I stayed up too late last night.

My Hebrew class gets over at 11 p.m. I enjoy the class. It is taught by a woman who is also learning Hebrew–she is taking a class using the same book. She is just farther into the book than we are. If we ask questions that she doesn’t know, she asks her Hebrew teacher. Also, sometimes people join the class that have greater knowledge of the language, and they are able to help us. We do a lot of reading and learning vocabulary words. It is very helpful and fun to have others to study with.

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A Miscarriage of Dreams

Family has always been important to me, and I have always wanted to get married and have kids. I have never had any ambition to climb the corporate ladder. Even though I excelled at school and work, I felt like a replaceable cog at work. My “real” life always began when I left work and went home. I am completely fulfilled at home.

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