Our Poor Timmy

This morning I took our poor Timmy to the veterinarian to get neutered. I hate leaving our pets at the vet because they are so scared there. This is what Timmy looked like when we got him home. We were told that he was still woozy from the anesthesia so it would be best to leave him in the cat carrier while he recovered. Otherwise he might bump into walls.

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The Christmas Story

This evening I am watching a series of Youtube videos about Christmas taught by Chuck Missler, a Hebrew scholar. I am currently on the second of twelve. It is very interesting. If you’d like to watch them, here is the first one in the series. (I’m still trying to work stuff out, so if you can see the video in this post, here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnDTaKynxAA&feature=related