K.D. and Mr. Spock

When I was about 9 or 10, my sister woke me up one morning to tell me that our brother had brought home a little black puppy. I didn’t believe her because it was April Fool’s Day. Yeah, right. I wasn’t born yesterday. But she wasn’t fooling. Our brother had really brought home a little black puppy. He raised homing pigeons that he raced, and apparently someone at a race had had a champion schnauzer that had had puppies with a traveling poodle (stray). The guy was so disgusted that he gave away the puppies, and my brother brought one home.

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Our Poor Timmy

This morning I took our poor Timmy to the veterinarian to get neutered. I hate leaving our pets at the vet because they are so scared there. This is what Timmy looked like when we got him home. We were told that he was still woozy from the anesthesia so it would be best to leave him in the cat carrier while he recovered. Otherwise he might bump into walls.

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Walking the Cat

Every day after my husband goes to work, I take my dog Danny for a walk. It is the highlight of his day, and he gets really excited when EJ walks out the door and I start getting on my boots and coat. We always take the same route every day–about six blocks. Danny knows the route and if I take a different turn, he tries to pull me on the “correct” course. Today’s walk was a bit out of the ordinary. Two of our cats are outside cats–because they refuse to use the litter box. Today, one of the cats, Rikki-Tikki-Tabby (Rikki for short) decided to accompany us on our walk. Our cats–both the outdoor ones and the indoor ones–follow us all the time. That is nothing usual. It’s like they can’t stand to be away from us for any length of time. Rikki has followed me before, but usually he turns back at a certain point. Today, however, he didn’t turn back, so about half way through our walk I turned around and headed back toward home. I didn’t want Rikki to get out near the main road or to get too tired. Turning back upset Danny a bit because he loves his routine. He kept racing around, trying to get me back on course. We all did make it home again. I think it must be a funny sight to see a woman walking a dog and being followed by a cat, so I took a picture with my phone. It’s not a good picture because I had to hold the phone and Danny’s leash, and  every time I got what WOULD have been a good picture, they moved before the camera clicked. But here is the best I was able to get:

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