Our Poor Timmy

This morning I took our poor Timmy to the veterinarian to get neutered. I hate leaving our pets at the vet because they are so scared there. This is what Timmy looked like when we got him home. We were told that he was still woozy from the anesthesia so it would be best to leave him in the cat carrier while he recovered. Otherwise he might bump into walls.

Our Christmas tree is looking more and more pathetic. I’d take a picture of it except that pictures make it look better than it actually looks. Little Bear loves to climb the tree and he has knocked out many of the branches, the lights at the bottom third of the tree are out, the tree is tilted, and the angel at the top of the tree is crooked and might fall. I think it might not be good to have a fallen angel at the top of a tree. Good thing we didn’t put any decorations on the tree this year (except lights). I laughingly told JJ that maybe next year we should just put up the tree with no decorations AND no lights…We kind of enjoy laughing at our pathetic tree. To give you some idea of what Little Bear does to our Christmas tree, I thought I’d share this video of Simon’s Cat with you. I LOVE Simon’s cat videos. They really capture the essence of cats.

We have no snow on the ground at the moment. The temperature has been in the upper 30s–even reaching 40. A weather map shows that we will not have white Christmas. In some ways I don’t mind having no snow on Christmas–heating is less expensive and it’s easier to travel. However, cold weather kills a lot of germs that cause sickness. And it does feel festive to have snow on Christmas. Oh, well. It is what it is.

What do you think?