Nearsighted And Farsighted

I’m continuing to ponder the ways that we see others and ourselves. These are all thoughts that I have worked through over the years as I have wrestled with how to see myself and others–especially difficult people.

In the last few days, I have been thinking about being nearsighted and farsighted in how we see others and ourselves.
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Measure for Measure

This last week has been busy, and I have been pondering this topic, so I have not written.

In school this year, JJ and I are studying American Government and Biblical laws. The books we are using are Basic American Government, Biblical Case Law, and Tools of Dominion – The Case Laws of Exodus.  I do not like particularly the title of Tools of Dominion, but it is actually a very interesting book that has caused me to ponder things that I’ve never considered before, including matters related to repentance and forgiveness. I’d like to share some of the things the book says.

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Unrepentant Hearts

Yesterday afternoon I made apple pies while EJ watched football on TV. While the pies were baking, I took my dog Danny for  a walk. The day was beautiful and the walk delightful. When I got back, the pies had been taken out of the oven (as I asked EJ to do). I was out of tea and he wanted ice cream to go along with the pie, so I walked to the gas station/store to buy both. The store didn’t have the brand of instant tea that I like (they had Nestea, not Lipton) so I bought me a couple of bottles of Sobe Lifewater instead. It was a good delicious treat.

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